Napoleonic, Regency and Victorian soldiers of Ryedale.
Compiled by
Paul Brunyee
Adv Dip Ed, MA.
Private Thomas Nicholson, 1st King's Dragoon Guards.
The old cemetery is located on Cemetery Road, York, close to the city centre.
There is a Pte. Thomas Nicholson recorded in The Waterloo Medal Roll as serving with the King's Dragoon Guards. He is buried in the old cemetery in York. His head stone is immediately to the lef of the left hand obelisk. The inscription on his headstone has been eroded over time. However the inscription was recorded by the cemetery staff some time ago:
To --------- the Memory / Thomas Nicholson / ------------ / ----------this life/ [September 28th 1850 aged 60] ----/ ------/ ------/ also / Thomas Alfred son of the above / who died August 28th 1870 / aged 38 years / also / Richard Hird who died January 4th 1891 aged 56 years / also William son of the above / Thomas Nicholson, late Quartermaster Sergeant / in the 8th Hussars who died May 31st 1873 / aged 42 years
According to local history he retired to be the publican of 'The Light Horseman' public house, which is close to the cemetery. The cemetery warden can show you his grave.
NB There is a Crimean War VC winner buried there along with a great many other military burials.