Hands off The Wentworth Street Car Park
Latest NewsPlans to develop The Wentworth Street Car Park 'SCRAPPED'
The council officially scrapped the contract with Holbeck Land to develop the Wentworth Street Car Park. Council Leader Linda Cowling said RDC would now review the options for maximizing the use of the 'underutilised strategic asset' taking into account changing development needs and opportunities in and around Malton and Norton'. It is not under used, it is just not full all the time. To expect it to be full all the time would mean there was no space for the peak times, that is the nature of that kind of facility. Just to be clear, most of the traders in Malton are not against competition, it was the loss of the car park that so annoyed them.
Linda Cowling said : "Any future plans will be subject to consultation, including working with other town centre landowners and seeking the views of local people". Well that will make a change and we look forward to this new tactic of 'seeking the views of local people', they have showed no signs of that up to now. Just in case you can't spot a local view, here is a clue ........
HOLBECK LAND.....They are at it again. Having being told in no uncertain terms that the residents of Malton, following several surveys, DO NOT want the Wentworth Street Car Park making into a superstore. Holbeck are amending their application for another attempt to get approval for the monster supermarket. We can only assume more of our hard earned cash will be squandered by RDC as acceptance will have to be granted again following the cock up with the first application. Come on RDC wake up. If you don't refuse the next application from Holbeck, the offending consenting councilors need not bother holding their breath at the next elections in 2015. The public feeling against them is very intense to say the least.
Does anyone think that threatening not to vote in 2015 would bring some sense to the guilty councilors. If you like this idea, EMAIL me with your support or other suggestions.
Shock resignation of Conservative and Council leader Keith Knaggs, December 2012
He stated that the decision had been made as he no longer had the full confidence of his colleagues. In May of 2011 he said “We will provide the services that people really value at the lowest possible cost to the tax-payer.” well by resigning, he will at least have made good a start, we can only guess how much the Livestock Market and Wentworth Street planning cock up has cost us. He has also cost us £43,700.00(approx) in expenses in the last eight years.(www.ryedale.gov.uk). Lets hope the conservative group will now concentrate on serving the area as they were elected to do so, listening to the voters and not Mr Knaggs. The new conservative leader, Linda Cowling, of Pickering, said : “I am looking forward to working with my own group and the rest of the Ryedale District Councilors in order to maintain the best services we can for the people of Ryedale.....Some of the work I have enjoyed most in the past 22 years as a councilor has been working with the town and parish councils and again I would like to increase that level of involvement - they are our eyes and ears at a grass roots level.....”. Sounds good to me.Livestock Market planning refusal overturned by the Planning inspector. The inspector has taken the view that the refusal by RYEDALE COUNCIL to grant outline planning for the developement on the Livestock Market was incorrect and sense has prevailed. The decision has been published and whilst this is not directly connected to the Wentworth Street issue, the decision may impact on what happens to the Wentworth Street development. If you want to read all about it, you can click the links below. The documents are a bit heavy going, but they could have a profound effect on the future of our town, Malton, and the surrounding area. Only one Ryedale Planning decision has been challenged, and was found to be incorrect. The Wentworth Street decision has to be considered again, so lets hope the same sense prevails.
The Summary Page The Main Decision The Decision on the Cost Planning Inspector. The appeal against the cattle market decision by Ryedale Council has come and gone. The decision will be issued by the inspector shortly. His decision will be final. The appeal by the Fitzwilliam Estate (Malton) was a very robust performance and the efforts of their legal team was very impressive to the onlookers. The summation at Ryedale House on the final day, was very worrying on one hand and enjoyable on the other. The three representatives of the councils sat glum faced as the Estates Council set about them in a very impressive way. The worry was, the council and their officials were taken to task about the Wentworth Street decision and it looks like the council will have to take another look at their ridiculous decision to sell our main car park. Why did it take the inspector and the Estates council only days to spot the mistakes that the coucil missed for three years ? I supose it all depends on the direction you are looking. 19th September 2012Secretary of State"call in". Well the simple fact is, he refused. Perhaps he should have taken it more seriously. The WWSP applications had to be referred to the Secretary of State, who can "call in" the applications if he wishes and order a public enquiry. The Secretary of State has 21 days to make this decision - from the date when the SOS receives the papers from Ryedale. This 21 day period expires today. However, if the SOS needs more time than the 21 days, he can issue an "Article 25 direction", to give him more time to consider the matter. It has now been established that an Article 25 direction has been issued. It is not possible to predict when the final decision will be issued, or what that decision will be. However, it is reassuring to see that the matter is being taken seriously, and is not being dismissed out of hand.
Mr Knaggs wants to cut the council from 30 members to 20. Well let's see if we can help him in his latest cutting edge idea. We need to loose 10 councilors, OK, sugestions on a post card to : RYEDALE HOUSE. The sell Wentworth Car Park crowd would do nicely and they just happen to be the most costly councilors anyway, so let's do it ...... MALTON LIVESTOCK MARKET PLANNING APPEAL
Planning consultants GVA have lodged an appeal on behalf of the Fitzwilliam Malton Estate against the recent decision by Ryedale District Council to refuse the planning application for the redevelopment of the livestock market site in Malton. Proceedings, in which the reasons for the refusal will be challenged, will now be decided by the Planning Inspectorate. Further information will be issued when known.
Yet another poll, this time by the Malton Gazette & Herald - April 2012. More or less in line with the others before it. The vast majority against the decision and yet another staggering example of a council that once elected, does just what it want's with no regard to the people who voted them into office.
If councilors want us to treat them with respect, please show a little to us, the voters.....Application for a new cafe in Pickering, got this response from Coun Vivienne Knaggs who said she was concerned because Pickering already had 28 eateries, adding: “The more we get the more thinly spread will be the business they do. ” Malton Gazette & Herld - 13th July 2011 - There you go just change your mind and views when it suits you.
4 were pushed....3 Jumped ( Well done Ryedale Voters) Lets get rid of the rest at the next coucil electionsThe survey on this web site, reached 100 responses and the results are as follows...
Definitely Not or No -- To the sale 86 Yes - To the sale 11 Not Bothered 3
Well that's another resounding vote against the development. Where did Councilor, sorry Mr Keel get his impression that the development was popular, see below. Any chance of letting us know some time soonCar Parks NOT Supermarkets. Help save the trading heritage of our town.
Download PDF
question to Ryedale Council
(Julian Rudd) Late November 2010 |
Sent: 28th Nov 2010 Hello, David Wakeley |
Sent: 29th November
2010 Dear
Mr Wakeley, Under
the proposal put forward by the selected bidder there would be around
330 spaces on what is the current lower deck and adjacent RDC owned
land (currently occupied by Community House, the scouts, CAB and former
Red Cross building) . In addition there will remain around 150 spaces
on the existing upper deck, which is being retained by RDC. This gives
a total of around 480 spaces at Wentworth Street, all of which would
be free for use by anyone visiting the town centre for 3 hours, irregardless
of whether they were shopping at the new stores built at Wentworth
Street. Regards Julian Rudd |
Sent: 29 November 2010 17:17 Hello Julian, Regards |
Sent: 29 November
2010 20:35 David All 480 spaces would be free for up to 3 hours – longer stays (over 3 hours) would be possible in 220 of the 480 spaces but would be chargeable. Cheers Julian |
20th Dec 2010 The following question has been sent to Julian Rudd? As yet there is no reply. Perhaps the answer is for the councils ears only. I will send the question again in the new year, when they get themselves back to work, and let's hope we get an answer. Julian,
Nov 2010 I have just noticed a document regarding the Local Development Framework (LDF) which as one of it's aims for shops in Malton is to "Support existing shops by attracting more people into the town". You have to ask the question, Just where are you going to park their cars. A little joined up thinking would not go amiss I think.
Nov 2010 |
Nov 2010 10th Nov 2010 |
29 July 2010 Ryedale District Council resolved to sell The
Wentworth Street Car Park and other surrounding land and buildings for
development as a supermarket. Seventeen councilors, mainly conservatives,
sat on their backsides, said nothing and voted to sell the car
park that was set aside seventy years ago provide parking for you the
people of Ryedale. DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT, so please please, ring or write to your councilor
and let them know what you think..... You can find who you voted for
by clicking this
link. Don't be complacent, there is little time and if you
don't pester them, they will do as they like.
The purpose of this resolution is to raise money while the council sits on a relative fortune. There are no debts to repay. It is likely that Community House (home of Ryedale Voluntary Action, CAB and Red Cross), Ryedale in Touch centre, the Malton Scout & Guide Centre, The Rifle Club and the public toilets will be closed or relocated. Despite promises by developers to retain or increase the total car park provision, it is likely that the Livestock Market Vehicle parking and all day parking will be lost. How will the council control the supermarket parking arrangements (and penalties for overstaying your welcome) alter sale. Developers tend to have experts who can run rings round Planning Decisions and Council Planning Departments. Control by this method is unlikely to succeed. What is the prospect of the
rest of the town centre becoming a ghost town'? Wentworth
Street report to Council July 2010 final report 16 07 2010,
item 35. |
A councillor at Ryedale
Council, his name is withheld to deny him unnecessary publicity,
wants to deny you the convenience of parking in the market place by
getting rid of over 60 car parking spaces to create a pedestrian
area. This is a loss of 10% of the total parking space in the
town. See the strategy report below. Please help Malton
traders by letting these loonies know what you think to this
stupid idea. Don't forget, we need more car parking places to
survive, not less. If these councillors want a pedestrian area, I suggest
Ryedale House car park and then we can see how they like walking in
the January snow from the Wentworth street car park to council
chamber, that is assuming they have not got rid of Wentworth Street
C/P as well. Please, Please continue to visit our
shops in Malton and the rest of
our Ryedale towns, and if we can get these madcap
councillors to listen, we will do what we can to make your visit as
easy as possible. Please vote 'NO'. Vote 'Yes' and help close another shop .....................Result : 189 against 48 for.. The vote has now finished and the result could not have been clearer. 189 against and only 48 for. You would have to be a councilor to believe there was a consensus for the development. Please let your councilor know what you think of the idea, and help Malton remain a trading town. Do not let them turn us into a rustic curio. A Strategy
for Malton Town Centre The council have been at it again. Spending your money, asking a London based company what should happen to our town. The report has been presented to Ryedale Council and Yorkshire forward and they should keep it. The observations of our little town, by the London firm, are excellent, BUT their conclusion beggars belief. Getting rid of over 40 car parking spaces in the market place will only chase off the very pedestrians needed to fill the trendy pedestrian terraces that will replace the car park spaces. That's only the start, so please download the PDF file below (sorry about the size), take the time to read it, and then let the council or this web site know what you think. I know we can't compare Malton directly with Monks Cross, but I bet they are not thinking of getting rid of one parking space. Don't be complacent, these people are messing about with our town and if we don't act now they will ride rough shod over the lot of us. (Download PDF) - Strategy for Malton Email - ryedale.co.uk Email - The Council |